Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mutt & Jeff Style Media Propaganda

DZRH sent 0845 02 May 2008

I was listening at DZRH this morning and I found out that our senator Joker Arroyo is much concerned about the definitely increased number of senators scenario in the upcoming government change. The senator from Bicol is against the dire change that will effect soon. Together with Joe Taruc they polute the air waves with their arbitrary Mutt & Jeff style of media propaganda. Perhaps these two people have planked in their ratio and proportion subject in high school. Filipinos are exploding and needs as much as possible more dis-illusioned political personas to represent them. Ever increasing population and thanks for the religious fanatics who like their bread and butter dogmas they want to preserve it. We need change ASAP. If these things aren't meet, perhaps, the AFP has the moral and professional obligation to initiate the change. The harvest is ripe. The AFP are not mechanical robots that moves about the order of one strongman whose investments abounds abroad like blood sucked from our country to be transfused to another country leaving us cash deprived.

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